Yehliu Geological Park (Taipei) 台湾行:野柳地质公园
Date: 23/10/2011
2 destinations for the day - Yehliu and Jiufen.
Boarding at Taipei bus station, it took about an hour to arrive at Yehliu bus stop, followed by a short 10 mins walk to Yehliu Geological Park.
Location: Yehliu Geological Park
Time: 9amDate: 23/10/2011
2 destinations for the day - Yehliu and Jiufen.
Boarding at Taipei bus station, it took about an hour to arrive at Yehliu bus stop, followed by a short 10 mins walk to Yehliu Geological Park.
▲ 看到渔船就联想到对海特别情有独钟的爸爸 Dad will be excited like a little boy if he sees these fishing boats |
▲ 排列在岸边的船,每一辆都很有特色 The scene will be so dull without these boats |
▲ 停下来问路的时候,亲切的渔民跟我分享在岸边得到的战利品 When I stopped to ask for directions, one of the fishermen couldn't resist to show me his catch of the day |
▲ 花贝壳 Flower shell |
▲ 台湾独有的木制明信片 Wooden postcards are very popular in Taiwan |
▲ 十分钟后,到了! Here we are! |
- 野柳有很多奇形怪状的石头,有些还让我摸不着头脑。有了野柳地质公园全球资讯网的相关现在资料就开始我的“看图说故事”时间。
- Yehliu is well-known for it's naturally-formed geological structures. Not much details can be found in their english official website but I will try my very best to share all the pictures and info I've taken. Let's begin!
Q1: |
▲ 日本藝妓
Japanese Geisha
Q2: |
▲ 风化窗
Efflorescence window
Q3: |
▲ 还是风化窗
Efflorescence window
Q4: |
▲ 蕈状岩
Mushroom rock group
Q5: |
▲ 蕈状岩
Mushroom rock group
Q6: |
▲ 海蚀凹壁
Ocean erosion concave wall
Q7: |
▲ 海蚀沟
Ocean erosion ditch
Q8: |
▲ 蕈状岩
Mushroom rock group
Q9: |
▲ 海蚀壶穴
Ocean erosion pot hole
Ocean erosion pot hole
▲ 偏地的贝壳 |
▲ 离开了野柳,上了公车来到基隆。 Leaving Yehliu, arriving in Keelung |
▲ 在基隆车站又转车到九份... Transiting at Keelung station towards Jiufen | be continued
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