Enlightenment trip in Taiwan-Xue Lu Shan

台湾行:雪卢山 修生养性之旅
地点:KLIA 国际机场



• 阿姨们用心烹调的私房菜,每天菜色都不一样
• 90岁阿婆热心奉献在自己庭院种的有机蔬菜,
• 用微笑与热情感染我们的74岁施伯伯
• 充满耐心的樱美姐,总是微笑着配合我们的脚步
• 每天连续三小时守在热得像火焰山小房,烧材给我们洗热水澡的烟卤阿伯
• 从负责蒐集可燃的枯木和被遗弃的家具到负责把木加工的无名英雄们
• 还有很多的社工们,从抵达桃园开始,一直到结束,都全心全意的为我们付出。


8D7N Enlightenment trip in Xue Lu Shan (Taiwan)
Location: KLIA International Airport
Time: 2:00pm
Date: 15th October 2011

Yes! I am flying to Taiwan under a secret mission :)

My grandma offered me a sweet deal a couple of months back - she asked if I would be interested to attend a Taiwan retreat. To top it up, she would sponsor the return air tickets, making the entire trip (including enlightenment lessons, accommodation, food and transport) absolutely free (for me). Not passing the irresistible one time offer, it was time to pack!

Through the trip, my knowledge about buddhism deepened. Not just through the daily lessons but also through the volunteers from all around Taiwan that showered me with their unconditional love. I could never imagine living in a place where I can entirely trust and have full confidence on the people around me. Through my interactions with them, I finally understood the true meaning of "selflessness" in Buddhism. I sincerely thank them from the bottom of my heart and re-enforcing my believe, "giving will reap the greatest harvest".

Quotes by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

▲ 巨型蘑菇根
Giant mushroom stems

▲ 很想尝试台湾稀有的蒸汽火车
Very eager to try out the steam locomotive in Taiwan

▲ 若你也有兴趣乘着火车慢游台湾,相信新竹会是不错的选择
Hsinchu City will be a better choice if you prefer to travel by train for a stress free vacation.

▲ 飞机上的特别餐 (素食)
A special dinner (Vegetarian)

▲ 长得像梅花鹿的云朵!
Look, there's a Bambi cloud!

▲ 难得在云端上用餐时遇见了晚霞
Beautiful sunset & dining amongst clouds, what more can I ask for?

▲ 7:47pm
Hello Taiwan

▲ 湖口休息站前往雪卢山
Heading to Xue Lu Shan right after the rest stop in Hu Kou



I wouldn't know if nobody mentioned. All that was prepared for this trip were all done by these "silent" angels. They were the ones who worked night and day for our trip and never asked for anything in return.

To be frank, my camera only manage to capture 20% of them, as some of them were doing stuffs at other areas and some of them already left before sunrise. Big thanks to these people, Amitābha.

Thank you every one!


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