A date at 45 Lekiu & The Stable

45 HangLekiu,
75200 Malacca


Soon Lum:+60126266977/60126235459

45 Lekiu
45, Jalan Hang Lekiu,
75200 Malacca


David Chang: +6012 6234459
Soon Lum: +6012 626 6977 / +6012 6235459


1。二零零八年马六甲被列入UNCESCO 联合国世界遗产名单

我呆了一下...身为土生土长的马六甲人,我一直很想推荐具有代表性而又”负担得起的地方。Musang Lena Residences 的出现帮我找到了完美的答案。

2011年3月8日 - 晴天
Sharen - 狸猫咖啡厅的老板(之前文章中有提到)也是Musang Lena Residences的经理。
Musang Lena Residences 房客是由David和Soon Lum “两”手创造(他们都是在艺术​​界非常有贡献的年轻伙子)。

Before I returned to Melaka, I received the most exciting news from my friend, Dolo. We secretly ranked these as the most beautiful guesthouses in Melaka town. Melaka has always been flooded with tourists since year 2008.
The reason?
1. Listed in UNESCO world heritage list
2. The Little Nyonya (Singapore Mandarin Drama Serial) the popularity after
The Little Nyonya

Home-stay and guesthouses near town are becoming popular.
A: Too expensive and inconvenient to travel around Melaka without proper transport.
I often hear: “where can I find a nice place to liven up my stay in Melaka?” From what I know, most of the popular guesthouses are always fully booked six months in advance.
I was stunned... As a Malaccan, I would love to recommend an affordable place with strong Melaka “ascents”. Thanks to the lovely people behind Musang Lena Residences, now I have the prefect answer to this frequent question.

8th March 2011 - Sunny day
I phoned one of its owners, David, and he immediately sent his manager, Sharen, to lead me for a tour of both guesthouses.
Sharen - the owner of Limau-limau café (which I mentioned on my previous post).
Musang Lena Residences is owned by David and Soon Lum (who both are still actively involved in the creative industry).

业主将两栋旧楼翻新,为了满足众多旅客的要求,地点也特别选在位于马六甲的黄金地段。凭着严厉的审美观的与艺术的坚持,两栋房子也在商业化的旅游业里变得独树一格。他们所创造的“45 Lekiu""The Stable”是件“活生生”“的艺术品,每一个角落都有着丰富的历史故事。翻新不是一项简单的任务,不单要保持原有的风味,同时也要注入当地的文化和现代感。45 Lekiu 的价格是给入住4位成人或2名成人和2名儿童。额外的的住客可查看相关价钱

The owners refurbished 2 old buildings, which were located at popular spots in Melaka to capture the increasing popularity of similar concept guesthouses and have successfully stood out from the crowd. They created “45 Lekiu” and “The Stable” guesthouses to satisfy guests who want to experience Malacca in style and comfort while immersing in Malacca’s rich heritage. 45 Lekiu rates are for a maximum occupancy of 4 adults or 2 adults & 2 children. An additional price will be charged per adult or per child above the age of 12.

踏入45 Lekiu,仿佛时光倒流,回到古时的马六甲。感染力?时尚? 原始?现代?古典?没有言语可以形容这个大发现。不知不觉中,我爱上了这一个现代与古典结合。神奇的灯光很容易让人把紧张的现实世界暂时抛在脑后,享受难得的宁静。

The houses were fully decorated with intricate details to showcase the richness of Malacca’s culture. It was not an easy task to conserve an old building while making it contemporary. If you ever have the chance to visit these guesthouses, you will feel like you have walked back time, into rustic Malacca.
Inspirational? Stylish?Rustic? Contemporary? Classic? No words can explain this new-found gem. I fell in love with the combination of old and modern touches to this building.
The magical lighting allows the guest to leave their stressful reality behind and enjoy the serene and tranquil set-up. Just to give you an idea how much effort has been put into this 3-storey building: I walked up and down numerous times to photo as many pictures as I can to share with you but each time I returned to the same location, there was always something new to photograph.

The primary reason for traveling is to relax your mind and soul. I personally like the peacefulness in the house, which relaxes my mood, slows my pace and reminds me to appreciate all the sights and sounds around me.

更多45 Lekiu 的相關資料照片设施或是服务請瀏覽 45 Lekiu
More information for images, facilities, and contact, kindly log on to 45 Lekiu official website.


No. D, Jalan Hang Kasturi,
75200 Malacca


Soon Lum:+60126266977/60126235459

The Stable
No. D, Jalan Hang Kasturi,
75200 Malacca


David Chang: +6012 6234459
Soon Lum: +6012 626 6977 / +6012 6235459

2:00pm,Sharen 早已在里面等侯。

The Stable 是一间可爱的迷你双层排屋,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全, 一间家该具备的基本条件它都不确,非常适合爱享受个人空间的情侣或夫妇。
此小屋让我想起了loft, 那些“由旧工厂或旧仓库改造而成的,具有浓厚艺术性等特征的高挑开敞空间 。虽然空间比起45 Lekiu是小巫见大巫,设计师在小房子的细节处理也不敢掉以轻心。

11th March
1:50pm, Reached the entrance of “The Stable” guesthouse. I was busy snapping pictures around this neighborhood.
2:00pm, Sharen was waiting for me in the house while doing housekeeping.

The Stable is a nice and cozy guesthouse for 2 adults.It is a little quint house that comes with all basic necessities for a home. The double storey house reminds me of a loft apartment. Loft apartments are apartments that are generally built from former industrial buildings. Although its regular size is smaller than“45 Lekiu”, both hold details that are intricately created with well-travelled eyes.

整体上,"The Stable" 和"45 Lekiu" 都有着非常类似的概念-现代与古典的结和。最难得的是,这两位业主还毫不吝啬的将收藏多年的古董来装饰客房。我偏爱与古董和现代家具同处一室的想法,一个位于历史城的家若有太多的“新”东西,有得时候还会显得有点格格不入。
"The Stable" and “45 Lekiu” share the similar concepts. I like the idea of merging antiques and modern furishings within the house. Both owners were generous enough to decorate both guesthouses with their personal antique collection.

The Stable客房,也是个身位于马六甲位黄金地段的小房子。由门口,五十步不到就能到达最热闹的鸡场街

更多 The Stable 的相關資料照片,设施,价格或是服务請瀏覽 45 Lekiu

This little house is located at a prime location in Melaka. From the entrance it takes less than 50 steps to hit the ever popular Jonker Street.
This place is surrounded by tasteful shops, and you can easily find good food just round each corner. Every Friday and Saturday, the neighborhood becomes alive with the bustling night market.
The passion and enthusiasm from the owners are written inside this mini house.

More information for images, facilities, rates and contact, kindly log on to The Stable official website.

特别感谢 Musang Lena Residences 的团队,谢谢你们对马六甲的贡献。因为你们的存在,马六甲又多出了几个旅游胜地。
Special thanks to the team behind Musang Lena Residences. Thank you for giving me this great opportunity to visit both guesthouses, you have made Melaka a more attractive place for tourists to frequent.


  1. wow!~
    it so lovely -_-
    i luv it :)
    but the rent so wow per stay..

  2. wat a quaint little place in Malacca, thanks for ur introduction! and i really like ur blog :)

  3. Hey gals! Thank you for your comments :)

    To Ily: I've seen it personally believe me is worth every single cent! ~_^

    To Duan: I am glad that you like my blog ^_^ and the place !! make sure you visit the place when you are in Malacca ya!

  4. Hey Yicai,

    Great to see you here! I am glad that you like the post, mind to share with me your online shop?

  5. Perhaps that's where I'll find myself staying in whenever I visit Malacca! : )


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