Jiufen (Taipei) 台湾行:黃金山城之九份



Location: Jiufen
Time: 5pm
Date: 23/10/2011

Departed from Keelung, passing through long and winding roads. Finally arrived in Jiufen safely and managed to catch the glorious sunset.

▲ 透过夕阳的光可以隐隐约约看到山的层次
Layers of mountains glowing under the sunset

▲ 夕阳正撒满整个九份,还好能赶上这一刻把它记录下来
The beautiful sunset blankets the mountainous town

▲ 假日的九份,人山人海
Every corner in Jiufen is flooded with people

▲ 进入九份老街,拐个弯就可以找到传说中的芋圆汤
The first thing you must sample in Jiufen Old Street is the super tasty Taro balls

▲ 亮灯后的热闹街道,为九份填上一层复古的味道
When the lights go on, the atmosphere livens instantly

▲ 布袋戏木偶
Taiwanese glove puppets

▲ 听说夜晚的九份老街是千与千寻的灵感来源之一,
Are you a fans of Hayao Miyazaki? According to Wiki, Jiufen Old Street is one of the inspirations for his masterpiece - Spirited Away 
image sourced from: Wiki

很匆忙的走玩九份老街,唯一能让我停下脚步的是以茶、陶、画结合的- 九份茶坊。除了九份茶坊外,还有一家兄弟店「天空之城」。
I am neither a tea nor a coffee person, but I am very fascinated with the extraordinary ambience in Jioufen Teahouse 

▲ 一进门,让我想起小时候在等待食物的情景。一股木炭香和冒着蒸汽的锅子,迫不及待的想要知道锅子里到底藏着什么?
Into the shop I took my first step, engulfing me with this familiar charcoal smell that reminded me of my grandma's rustic kitchen

▲ 时间有限,没办法坐着品茶。很想把眼睛看到的全部都拍下来,不听话的手还是没办法留着最美的一面。
I can't help by taking numerous photos, although they look much prettier in reality
▲ 打破传统的茶坊,品茶又怎么会是老套的玩意呢?
Having Chinese tea in such a breath-taking place is a dream-come-true!

▲ 不捨得的心情离开了茶坊,沿路走回头时看到很多神秘的巷弄
"I will be back soon!"

▲ 时光倒流的夜,仿佛又回到了十岁
A surreal night brought me back to my childhood days

▲ 有人说,九份的白天和黑夜犹如置身在两个不同的世界。
Night and day in Jiufen belong to 2 different worlds

What a nice scene to end the trip :)


  1. so much feel.. may I know which camera and film you're using for this charming taiwan trip? :)

  2. asillybow, thank you ^_^ the only camera I have is the SONY DSC-T2.

    I have terrible skills when it comes to photography and I must say a lot of Photoshop has been done on my photos. (now you know my secret~)


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