一切从心开始 Unconditional Love

要成就每一件事,少不了因缘巧合。 在对的时间点和情况允许,难得有幸能帮心连心之家筹得一些食物与用品。开始这一篇文章前,我不晓得自己有没有那样的智慧去描写这一段故事。

两个星期前,把交换到的食品送到“心连心之家”后与Sharana 先生聊了一个下午。
话说,今年62岁的Sharana 先生在40年前偶遇了许哲女士,被她的大爱精神给感动。从此,下定决心跟着许哲居士到新加坡各地照顾贫苦人士,被遗忘的老人以及社会需要帮助的边缘人。每个月,Sharana先生用载着许哲居士联手负责把有心人捐赠的食物与用品定时派到。谁家的柴米油盐酱醋茶快要用完的时候Sharana 在分派食品时都会忙着做笔记。由于,每一家都有不同的需要,不管任何需求,他都会把街坊的要求给一一的记录下来。

当了40年“送货邮差”的Sharana先生, 每一次与街坊接触的时刻都是珍贵的。他早已把“它”当成终生职业。每当街坊从他手中接过食品再弯下身,万分感激的说声“谢谢你”;当他知道今天又有少一个人挨饿的时候,那一种内心发出的喜悦非笔墨能形容, 也是他最大的推动力。(那种喜悦常常出现在Sharana先生的谈话中)。我的先生常常告诉我,善于沟通的人终是能让对方滔滔不绝。对话中,也几乎只有我的声音⋯⋯

Sharana先生从来不后悔加入心连心之家,除了有“送货邮差”的身份Sharana先生也是许哲居士眼中孝顺的“干儿子”。Sharana先生的对话总是离不开许哲居士。跟着许哲女士加入心连心之家以后,虽然过着身无分文的日子但从未饿过肚子。他说某天,家里的菜吃完了许女士正想着:“该吃些什么好?”的同时,有客人在外头敲门,手里捧着新鲜的蔬菜:“我看到今天的蔬菜特别漂亮,所以顺道买一份来送给您。”许哲居士惊讶地看着他问:“你怎么知道我在想什么?”说完便哈哈大笑。奇迹常常发生在她的身上,只要是许哲居士心想要得到的东西总是能得到。(所谓心想事成就是以一颗纯净纯善的心来发愿,想得到的事就会实现。)她的慈悲感动了天地,善良的一颗心总是替别人着想。口袋空空的她,过的比任何人还快乐,而且也不需要挨饿。这样的人生,不就是最美好的吗? 。她,是人类的榜样。(试问我现在追求的又是什么? 想得到的都得到了吗?得到了之后,就此而满足吗?还是又继续盲目的追不停地追求没有尽头结果)


我曾经在书里看过一故事:有一年轻人他走在一望无际的大海边,刚好正退潮,很多海参被海浪打上岸来,结果因为退了潮,这些海参就停留在沙滩上回不去,但是隔天它还不回海里就会干枯死掉。这年轻人就捡起一只海参,往海里扔,再捡起一只再扔,就这样持续做了很一段时间。刚好旁边有路人经过,看到这一目 ,喜热闹,也跟了很久。最后,忍不住对捡海参的人说:“仁兄啊,一望无际的海参,你再怎么捡也捡不完,你就别捡了吧。”捡海参的年轻人看他微微一笑,继续蹲下去捡起海参来往海里扔,年轻人说:“我又救了一只海参的生命!”

虽然,茫茫人海中需要帮助的人多不胜数;我们 不能因为有需要帮助的人太多而放弃不帮了。只要任何一个跟我们有缘的人,我们都要尽心尽力帮他一把,让他们的人生不要枯竭了。观点改变了, 就能改写很多人的人生故事。用心开始,新的一年!新年快乐!!

To begin a short story about Mr. Sharana is such an honor for me. This has drained a more-than-expected energy and time from me as I worry that I am unable to justify his side of the story.

2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to hold a long conversation with Mr. Sharana after delivering the barter groceries to Heart to Heart Service.

40 years ago, Sister Teresa Hsu was one of Mr. Sharana’s (now aged 62) students in his yoga class. He held high respect for Sister Teresa Hsu after discovering her ways in contributing to society.  Observing Sister Teresa’s quiet sacrifice in volunteer work, he imagined himself doing the same, offering his love and care to society. Till today, Mr. Sharana has never regretted his decision 40 years ago, to be part of Heart to Heart Service.

During his routine delivery of groceries to needy families, both he and Sister Teresa will share their groceries with anyone in need. He mentions: “It is a great feeling to receive delightful smiles from receivers.”

Through my conversation with Mr. Sharana, I found out that he never regretted joining the Service and had never gone hungry throughout his years of service. And he remained happy even though he was never paid for his services.

It still astonishes me when he mentioned that both he and Sister Teresa have strong “telepathy” as they always received items from donors the items they wished for. “This still amazes me till today! I believe miracles happen every day and especially for Sister Teresa.” he said.

I feel that clean, pure and innocent minds attracts positives in life. Sister Teresa is a role model for many. She was never in blind pursue of the luxuries of life, yet she lived a fruitful life, giving herself to others and in return, received true happiness.

Through Mr. Sharana, I found out that the meaning of “charity” and “welfare” holds a very different meaning for Sister Teresa. She considers “charity” as giving something that you have to someone who doesn’t have it; whereas, “welfare” is to share all that you have to someone who needs it more than you do”.  

From my point of view, the difference (between “charity” and “welfare”) is, “charity” is setting boundaries among each other and “welfare” is being selfless and treating strangers like your brothers and sisters.

Let us all take a moment to observe and care for all those in need around us and take the first step to care more for our family and friends and eventually expand our love and concern to strangers in need.

Let LOVE start from home.
Happy 2012 everyone!


  1. 有舍就有得,你帮人就会有人帮你,这真的是很神奇的循环力量,生活里有小例子发生在我身上,所以我想信!


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