Barter Trade 1 用爱心交换回忆(上)


我    :(顿时又回到初次走进这家店的小孩猛点头)
我   :(我快疯了~)这些要买多少钱?
我   :...(心中暗喜,但又觉得不好意思再问)真的吗?(心虚)


我   :那这一些盘子,有多久了?


This is part of the missing story from the previous post and I deliberately saved it for today so that I can elaborate more on the special “gift”.

As a junk collector who is mad over flower patterns, I discovered these partially hidden floral-printed trays while I was browsing for treasures. These  trays, found in Mr. Lee’s shop, were like candies to a child.

Mr. Lee noticed the excitement in my eyes and helped to fish out the trays amongst his towering pile of  vintage goods.

He held the old dusty trays in hands and asked:"Do you collect old trays?"

I nodded in anticipation, the same excited feeling I had when I first entered Mr. Lee’s shop.
"Just a second!"

The wise Mr. Lee seems to have read my thoughts as he disappeared into the deepest darkest corner of his shop and return moments later with… (you guessed it)… many more flower-printed trays!
I was overwhelmed by the vast numbers of flower-printed trays that he had in his hands and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
 As if by some unknown supernatural force, my lips uttered:"How much are these going for?"

"All yours."
My eyes bulged and remained fixated as  he said that. This was followed was by a complete shutdown of my vocal cord which filled the shop with thorough silence.

I couldn’t believe that this is real..

"Are you serious?" after I recomposed myself and asked with doubtfulness.
He firmly nodded his head, being very sure of his answer.

He subsequently explained that he has previously intended to give it away to recycle, but he was too busy with his work then. His wife (who passed away a long time ago) kept them for 40-50 years and wanted their kids to inherit them but none were interested in them.

As Mr. Lee gathered all the enamel trays, he mentioned:"If you really like them, I am not going to collect  any single cent from you." He then gave a wide smile and said:"All honest business, no questions asked."

I was touched by the last sentence. He could have easily charged me a high price but he didn’t.

That was the most surprising thing I’ve ever heard from a businessman. Some of you might think he must have been out of his mind and I thought the same too but I am truly appreciative to Mr. Lee for his kind gesture.

Using some recycled gunnysacks and ropes, he carefully arranged the trays and created a very authentic package for me to carry the trays.

▲  面对40年之久盘子,虽然有点缺陷,但却非常稀有的。不得不承认,当我第一次看到花盘的时候,一心只想占有它们。 和李老板的那一段话话还一直在我脑海里挥之不去,一个人独吞受有的盘子又怎么说得过去呢?

I have to admit it is a tough decision to let go the trays. Although there are wear and tear on each of the trays but I really like the unique flower patterns in all sorts of color combination.
▲ 从李老板身上学到懂得知足常乐,才是最富有的。而我家什么都不缺,就因为占有欲太强了东西才会越买越多。因此,我把全部的花盘用传统以物易物的方式来把它们换出去。将所有换到的东西捐给心连心慈善机构。现在,这些盘子在寻找新的主人!

Through my encounter with Mr. Lee I’ve learned that “Riches are not from abundance or worldly goods, but from a contented mind.” I am always greedy, and always end up with limited, cramped space at home. Furthermore, I already have a few similar trays previously, which means these trays are now looking for new owners!^_^


▲ 为此,我还找来很有想法的摄影师Gilbert Teo与他的未婚妻Sherlyn跟我合作把花系列盘子拍好。虽然,在拍摄过程当中天空不做美;但是摄影师还是想尽办法把它作得最好。身为旁观者的我,看到他们不计一切的为慈善尽一份力深深感动。谢谢你们!

如果,你们喜欢这些照片和花盘,在下一个post会有更多的惊喜!(但是⋯⋯因为忙着筹备其他事情所以只有英文版本, 真对不起!)

With tremendous help from aspiring photographer, Gilbert Teo, who has an interesting perspective of taking unique photos and his fiancée, Sherlyn, we developed a series of beautiful photos shot on raining day! Big thanks to the both of them who were more than happy to spend their precious hours in the name of charity.

If you like the photos and trays, there will be more photos coming on in the next post.

I will be using the traditional barter trade to exchange the trays for selected groceries. All these groceries will be donated to the Heart to Heart Service non-profit unit. If you are interested to own any of  the flower trays, instructions and condition for the barter trade will be found in the next post.

All groceries will be delivered to the charity unit, Heart to Heart Service, before Christmas Day as Christmas gifts to all the senior folks under its care.

▲  Image sourced from Heart to Heart Service
Heart to Heart Service
130 Hougang Avenue 1
Singapore 538900
Tel: +65-6289 0924




就这样,我开始搜寻有关许哲女士的资料进一步的了解她。看完了她的人生旅程和对慈善出发点,我感动地落下眼泪。她眼中没有自己,舍弃了高薪工作一辈子无时无刻的想着要怎么帮助别人;别人的快乐,也就是她最大的礼物。每天做瑜伽来锻炼身体为的是要照顾更多有需要帮助的人, 也不想老年的时候要别人照顾。身上穿的衣服都是在垃圾中检回来的,她还常笑著说自己就是“乞丐头”。她的好可不是三言两语能说得完。

The founder of Heart to heart service- Sister Teresa was the only person I fully trust when it comes to charity. While I was searching info for Heart to Heart Service, I saw shocking news of Sister Teresa (aged 113). She passed away peacefully last Wednesday. I didn’t have the opportunity to meet such a wonderful woman but I hope I can help to contribute a little with the flower trays project. So, please give your helping hand~!

▲ 许哲女士是我对“以物易物”的原动力, 是她用爱心感染了我。虽然她已经离开人世但她对慈善的心愿会一直的流传下去。
Video sourced from Youtube


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